Educators have been using Tech4Learning tools and professional development for over a decade. Explore these case studies to find out how teachers, schools, and districts have leveraged Tech4Learning's expertise and creative tools to maximize student learning.
If you would like to share how you've improved student learning with Tech4Learning tools or professional development, let us know.
One of the primary challenges faced by TrueNorth was providing students with easy access to the necessary educational tools and resources. To address this challenge, TrueNorth implemented Wixie in conjunction with Google SSO. Wixie's intuitive interface and robust features enable educators and students to create engaging and interactive digital content, while Google SSO simplifies the login process and enhances security.
When Anne Arundel County Public School began its elearning at home program in April due to COVID-19, teachers, students, and parents were able to immediately take advantage of digital assignments that had already been created and aligned to the district's curriculum.
Heidi Shorter shares how Howard County Public Schools in Maryland uses Wixie to support student voice and choice.
Darron Brown of West Windsor Plainsboro Regional School District in New Jersey has his students create Wixie projects with original PARCC-style questions to help familiarize students with a range of problem types on the upcoming test.
Third-grade teachers at Church Lane Elementary in Baltimore Maryland use Wixie for differentiated practice in their math instruction.
Jennifer Sturge of Calvert County Public Schools in Maryland shares why she is still 'Wild about Wixie' after over ten years.
While refining its English Language Arts curriculum to meet the new Common Core Standards, Franklin Lakes Public Schools chose Wixie to help K-5 teachers and students successfully meet the technology and digital writing standards.
Hollidaysburg Area School District achieves a successful elementary technology integration with a small staff and minimal training.
The combination of software and professional learning through classroom modeling helped St. Therese, a Catholic private school in NYC, meet its goals for engaging all students through the creative use of technology tools.
Pixie was identified as a way to meet the needs of the inquiry-based programs at two schools, but ended up becoming a tool used at every elementary school in Forsyth County Public Schools.
A Pixie book project helped Frederick County Public Schools students learn to make effective use of non-fiction text to find information.
Share and have provided Kyrene with tools to help the district better meet their goals for stronger school-to-home connections and student-centered learning.